Brown Bear Vivi

Bear Vini

Born in 2005 in Deçan, rescued in May 2013


Vini is a very intelligent and high-energy bear. Because of his many years in inappropriate conditions in a small cage near a restaurant, even after we rescued him, he still shows stereotypical behaviors fo captive bears, such pacing back and forth. They only opportunity that he had to move while he was living in captivity was a very short distance inside the cage, with no mental stimulation for many years. 

We provide him with a lot of enrichment to try to help him reduce these stereotypical behaviors. Instead of simply presenting him with all of his food, we use different methods of hiding it, encouraging him to use different senses and to have to think about how to access it. This kind of environmental and behavioral enrichment has a vital impact on his healing process. 

Now Vini is in very good health and a perfect specimen of his species.

Kassandra & Vini: the newest couple at BEAR SANCTUARY Prishtina

May 2016 | Watching formerly captive bears that have been rescued from poor conditions enjoy their lives in a natural environment, is already very special. But to give them a partner for life, fills us with so much joy we can't even express it in words. After many terrible years alone in captivity, we are finally able to give bears Kassandra and Vini from our BEAR SANCTUARY Prishtina the most beautiful thing on earth, a partner with whom they can share the rest of their lives with. There is nothing better than having someone to keep you company while you are eating, playing and sleeping, right?

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